Jared Andrews

September 23, 2024

Ph High (API) Ph (Probe) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API) GH (API) KH (API) TDS (Probe) Food (Grams, since last post)
7.8 7.81 0 0 5 50-100 (6) 50-100 (5) 188 0.731

September 23 Tank

As noted on August 25th, quite a few shrimp babies were born. While I didn't see a ton of them, I did see them and there are many places to hide. At roughly the same time, babies were born in my red shrimp tank, since then, I have seen the red babies grow and based on their size I should be seeing a lot more yellow babies in this tank.

This leads to at least two possibilities:

  1. The yellow baby shrimp are fine and are just hiding in one of the many, many places they could be hiding.
  2. The yellow baby shrimp are dying for unknown reasons that ~could~ be related to my planaria infestation.

I have been keeping an eye on the planaria and manually removing them. As outlined in previous posts I have also trapped them. The traps were effective but as mentioned on July 28th I was only catching 7-10 per night. After using the traps for a few weeks this number dwindled to 1 or 2 and became not really worth the effort.

That being said, given their reputation for decimating shrimp populations, I think I will try out No-Planaria soon. I don't feel I can ever completely eradicate them from the tank just by trapping and catching them.