Jared Andrews

March 28, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API)
7.8 0 0 0-5

Added one pump of easy green after testing. This is a continued experiment in doubling the dosage of fertilizer for this tank. So far things are going well and I will continue.

Two 3D printed related updates:

  • The floating rings I mentioned in the last post are not working out. They do not float as high as foam rings and do a terrible job blocking duckweed. I'm going to try some new slicer settings at some point and see if they will float better with less walls, etc.
  • I created a surface skimmer model to skim off duckweed more effectively, it's working great.

There has been a rotella on the left side of the tank that has gotten way over grown. I could see roots growing up the plant at various nodes. I took a few cuttings glued them to seashell and replanted. I expect this will work but we'll see.

March 28 Tank March 28 Tank March 28 Tank March 28 Tank March 28 Tank March 28 Tank March 28 Tank

I also discovered an anubius that melted away. This guy was in the left at the edge of the rock perimeter. It had little space and a lot of competition, so I'm not super shocked. I composted it.

Melted Anubius

I also noticed that my windelov java ferns have begun to be ready for propagation. If you look at this picture, in the center you can see a fully grown leaf with roots growing towards the top. In the bottom right I have clipped one of those off and planted it. Will keep yall updated on how this little leaf does.

Propagated windelov fern