Jared Andrews

March 25, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API)
8 0 0 0-5

Added one pump of easy green after testing.

Things still looking good. The yellow shrimp have given birth to many babies. I can't get a good pic of them and I can only really see them at night when the lights are off by pointing a flash light into the tank. There are so many places for the babies to hide it's hard to say how many there are. I'm guessing 5-20. It's great pointing the flashlight into the tank and seeing a microscopic shrimp rush to get into a hole in the hardscape rocks or some other hiding place.

I also 3D printed some different sized floating rings for the surface of the tank. They are printed in black PETG which is allegedly safe for the fish. I think they will need to be tweaked further. One has sunk so far. All the others have stayed at the surface. They do not float as well as the foam rings I have purchased.

Gave away a lot of pennywort to a friend. What remains is growing well and I suspect I live have a ton of it again soon.

I also added a seconod smaller sponge filter to the right side of the tank. I had it soaking / sinking for a couple weeks so you might have seen it in prior pics. I finally turned it on this week tho. This was more for the purposes of water movement and surface agitation so I could have used an airstone, but since this smaller sponge filter is better sheltered I figured it's surface could provide a safer feeding ground for the smaller shrimp.

March 25 Tank March 25 Tank