Jared Andrews

June 23, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API) GH (API) GH (Strip) KH (API) KH (Strip) Phosphate (API) TDS (Probe) Food (Grams, last 7 days)
8 0 0 5-10 50-200(6) 75-150 50-200(5) 80 0.5 188 0.241 + 2 Shrimp Lollis

Saw a lot of little shrimp molts this week, so it seems like every one is doing good. For the time being, it seems like GH/KH is dialed in. I will probably change a gallon of water any time either gets above 6dips from here on out.

I have had unused Phosphate test strips sitting around for a while, so I have started using and recording the results. I have a very difficult time interpreting the results tho, so I am not sure how useful they will be.

Since seeing one or two scuds last week I haven't seen them again. I assume they hit hiked on the monte carlo pot I have sitting in here. I plan on letting it grow out a bit and slowly transplanting some of it to the carpet I am attempting to grow on the left side of the tank.

I have never tried feeding my shrimp explicitly. I figured any food I got for them would be eaten immediately by the mollies.

But I was curious and bought some shrimp "lollipops" thinking I could make a fish proof enclosure to put them in. This did not work out well. The shrimp mostly ignored it and the mollies tried as hard as they could to get in. Some of the smaller ones did and some of the bigger ones got stuck trying to. Though a couple shrimp did get in to check things out, so I may try this again in the future.

Shrimp feeder June 23 Tank Close-ups April 14 Tank Close-ups April 14

Now that Nitrate is low again and I am actually tracking the amount of food I am putting in the tank, I am going to try and double feeding over the next week.