Jared Andrews

May 12, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API) GH (API) GH (Strip) KH (API) KH (Strip) Food (Grams, last 7 days)
7.8 0 0 10 50-200(6) 150-300 50-100(5) 40-80 1.191

Added one pump of easy green after testing.

Found one dead shrimp this week, it was one of the adults. To my knowledge this is the first yellow shrimp I have seen die in the tank. I can't really say how this shrimp died, unfortunately, I think it was the pregnant shrimp I identified on April 28 as I have not seen any babies emerge.

I have started feeding quite a bit more and tracking it above. We will see how this effects Nitrate levels and how well my tank can handle it. So far it hasn't caused a big increase.