Ph High (API) | Ammonia (API) | Nitrite (API) | Nitrate (API) | GH (API) | GH (Strip) | KH (API) | KH (Strip) | TDS (Probe) | Food (Grams, since last post) |
8 | 0 | 0 | 20-40 | 50-200(7) | 150 | 50-100(5) | 80 | 236 | 0.195 |
Reduced feeding a lot this week, which is more in line with my previously normal levels. Nitrate still high, I will do a water change tonight and check Nitrate tomorrow. Not adding Easy Green today.
Also received a TDS monitor this week, pretty cool. Will continue logging it.
I added a Pothos plant into a floating basket I made (will upload the model to Printables eventually). You can see it in the center top.
I have continued cutting the tops off my Rotella on the left side of the tank and replanting it. This has made a nice forest which I am happy with. You can also see a pot of Monte Carlo I bought, this was for a different tank, but I may plant it in here, for now it stays in the pot.