Jared Andrews

February 18, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API)
7.8 0 0 40-80

At this point the tank appears to be cycled. At some point I will do a bigger water change to lower the Nitrate level but I'm not currently worried about it. I want to get a sense of how much Nitrate the plants can consume and I'm hoping to see the number drop.

Added one pump of easy green after testing.

I added a few more fish from my Grandpa's tanks and I added an additional light.

The pennywort has really taken off and all of the plants seem to be growing. Duckweed has completely taken over the surface and I added more floating rings. I know a lot of people complain about duck weed which is understandable. I personally enjoy using my tweezers to remove the duckweed from inside the rings, it reminds me of a zen garden. At this point I am now putting the excess duckweed into a raised bed which is nitrogen deficient outside, so I find having the stuff useful. I also have a compost pile it can go in once that garden is growing again in the spring.

Tank on February 18 Fish on February 18

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