Jared Andrews

April 8, 2024

Ph High (API) Ammonia (API) Nitrite (API) Nitrate (API)
8 0 0 0-5

Added one pump of easy green after testing.

As noted last week I stopped my very short double easy green experiment after seeing increased algae growth over a two week period. The algae buildup still isn't excessive but it has continued to increase. I have decided to change my light schedule for the first time since setting up this tank. Believe it or not I have had the lights on for 16 hours a day since set up. This might sound excessive but my lights are relatively weak and I am definitely a big believer in as much light as possible. Now that things are established tho, I am going to change the light schedule.

Until I change it again the I have switched to an 8 hour "siesta" schedule. Basically the lights are on for 4 hour in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. I'm hoping this will reduce algae without reducing plant growth too severely. We'll see.

Speaking of plant growth, the rotellas I moved are doing great. I plan on trimming the other rotellas and bringing them away from the water surface soon, creating a nice background in front of the heater on the left side of the tank. On the left side my monte carlo, is continuing its slow spread, so that's great.

Left side of Tank

The small sponge filter is for a nano tank I'm currently preparing, I will definitely be starting a log about it

The baby shrimp are doing great. They are getting bigger and more confident, I have even seen a few of them out in the open on the left side of the tank. The fish do not appear to be bothering them. I did spot a random red shrimp among the babies. At first when it was smaller I thought it was part of the yellow shrimp babies, but given it's growth rate I believe it was a baby dumped into the tank when the yellow shrimp were added, probably a mistake on my end or the breeders as I also received a bag of red shrimp for my other tank. After multiple attempts I was finally able to catch the red shrimp and move it over to my red shrimp tank.

Shrimp on April 8 Shrimp on April 8 Shrimp on April 8 Shrimp on April 8 Shrimp on April 8

I have generally remained satisfied with the dividers I 3D printed for duckweed and pennywort containment.


The duckweed you see on the left and right which escaped the barrier, is from me sticking my net into the duckweed while trying to catch the aforementioned red shrimp. The duckweed was pushed down and under the barrier during this. Otherwise, I haven't seen the it magically get around the wall. So that's great!

Tank on April 8